Hourly Timesheets

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Hourly Employee Timesheets will be available in Employee Access. What does that mean, exactly? It means that hourly employees can input their work hours directly into Employee Access. Once approved, exceptions to the work hours, overtime and absence deductions will be transferred directly to the Payroll application in iTCCS. The more we do means the less you have to. Contact us.

Welcome back, teachers!

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It’s been a short summer — we know. But we also know that you’re ready to hit the ground running. The Texas Computer Cooperative is here to help. We are the only Business and Student Administrative systems (iTCCS & TxEIS) and recruitment tool (CareerPortal) that are made in Texas for Texas schools. Make sure you give us a call with any questions. We look forward to working with you this school year. Let’s make it great one!

Did you know? Multiple direct deposits…

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Did you know that iTCCS Employee Access allows you to have multiple direct deposits? You can split up your paycheck so that some of it goes to your savings account, some to your checking, maybe even a little allowance for your perennially famished college-bound kid. No more having to redirect it every month on your phone. Who needs that heartbreak? And — this is important — as long as your district has it set up properly, you can change the amounts and bank accounts whenever you want. Talk to your district about this feature, if it’s not set up. And you can always give us a call if you’d like to know more.

Electronic Earnings Statement

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iTCCS lets you receive your earnings statements electronically. All your employees need to do is go into their Employee Access account and select that they want to receive them electronically. It’s just like the W-2 and 1099 are already. A quick accept and you’re not wasting all that paper anymore. And they get their statements even faster. It’s a win-win. That’s the iTCCS way.

Contact us with any questions.

The versatility of Employee Access

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Employee Access is a versatile application that lets districts make many customizations. From the banner at the top of the page to the information employees can access. Here’s a look at some of the more impressive features.

  • Change what messages people see when they log in.
  • Allow employees to review their direct deposit information.
  • Make historical earning and year-to-date pay statements available.
  • Create hyperlinks to important documents like pay scales.
  • Link to your employee handbook and get electronic signatures of acknowledgement.

And all of this means that you’re able to get more done with less paper waste. iTCCS: helping you into the future, now. Contact us with any questions.

Skip the paperwork with Employee Access Self-Service

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iTCCS has great functionality to help you cut down on that paper clutter. From the menu, under Self-Service, select Demographic Maintenance to change your address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, and much more. Then there’s the Payroll Maintenance option that lets you change your direct deposit bank information and W-4 marital status, exemptions, and even additional withholding. Oh, and you can always upload any relevant documents. Once human resources has accepted the changes — it’s done. So easy. Contact us with any questions.